This listing is for many varieties of Beautiful Flowering Hippeastrum seeds –
grow your own save lots of money.
Hippeastrum Amaryllis, Family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae Beautiful.These are NO ID and Named varieties, and crosses, self pollinated 2015.
Each seed count is minimum of that stated.. most have many more seeds than the 10..
some are rarer and you may only get 12 seeds
For every 5 packs bought I will throw in a gift pack of a different random colour.
Don’t forget to check out my other seeds, double crosses and single crosses.
As well as the many edibles and perennials… 🙂
I also email grownotes, so make sure your paypal email address is up to date.
My overseas mail has no tracking.. Auspost has EXPORT DECLARATION on all letters sent.. not tracking. It proves it left the country no more. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!

Beautiful Coloured Mix – lost tag – 30 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Lost-tag 30 mix” price=”8.00″]
Native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas from Argentina north to Mexico and the Caribbean.

Huge White No 2 X Selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”White No2 x S ” price=”7.00″]
Striking colours, a nice display, especially when grown in a mass planting, wonderful along fences, and under trees –
very showy and large size flowers.

Pretty Pink No 9 X Selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Pretty Pink No9 x S ” price=”7.00″]
They can flower from September to November. It will take about 3 years to mature and flower. At that stage they have grown into large bulbs are tough and do well on neglect, even handle drought, but you do get better flowers with deep well drained soil in a moist environment, out of the frost.

Peach Glow 18 X Selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Peach Glow 18 x S ” price=”7.00″]
Plants flourish when given morning sun and afternoon shade, but grow in almost any environment. Except area where the ground freezes in winter.

Crimson Red No 34 x selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”crim red No 34 x S” price=”7.00″]
This is a very cheap way to get what are otherwise quite expensive bulbs.
Easy to grow, either by floatation or potting mix method.

Flamenco Queen x Tosca – Selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Flam Qu x Tosca x S ” price=”7.00″]

Red Pearl X Luna (Dark) X selfed 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Red Pearl X Luna Dark x S ” price=”7.00″]
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Crimson Red No 33 X selfed -10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Crim red No 33 x S ” price=”7.00″]

Pink Cybister X sweet – Many X Selfed -10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Pink Cyb Many x S” price=”7.00″]

Chubby Maree, pink orange X selfed -10 seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Chubby Marie, P,Orange x S ” price=”7.00″]

Floppy Vittatum crimson stripe x selfed 30 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Floppy Crim stripe Vittatum x 30 ” price=”12.00″]

Red White No 10 X selfed -10 seed $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Red/white No 10 x S” price=”7.00″]

Red Edge on White x selfed 10 fresh seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Red edge on white x S ” price=”7.00″]

Red Lion No 11 X Selfed – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Red lion No 11 x S ” price=”7.00″]

Hot pink No 6 X Selfed – 10 seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Hot pink No 6 x S ” price=”7.00″]

Huge Pink, Red green Centre X self – 10 seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Huge pink, red green centre ” price=”7.00″]

White Orange Edge single X self – 10 seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”White orange edge single x S ” price=”7.00″]

Russian Hallo X Black Diamond X self – 10 seeds $9.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Russian Hallo x Black diamond x S” price=”9.00″]

White silky 001 X Self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”White silky No 001″ price=”9.00″]

Delicate Large Vittatum X self – 10 seeds $7.00
[wp_cart_button name=”Delicate large vittatum x S ” price=”7.00″]

Russian Hallo X Mt Blanc X self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Russian Hallo x Mt Blanc ” price=”7.00″]

Temptation X Gervase X selfed – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Temptation X Gervase x S ” price=”7.00″]

Pink Cybister X Sweet Salmon X self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Pink Cyb X sweet Salmon ” price=”7.00″]

Orange No7 x self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Orange No 7 ” price=”7.00″]

Apricot No 3 X self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Apricot No 3 ” price=”7.00″]

Mumma Kitty Red X self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Mumma Kitty red ” price=”7.00″]

Apple Blossom X Elvas spot picotee X self – 10 seeds
[wp_cart_button name=”Appleblos X Elvas spot picotee ” price=”9.00″]