
Don’t forget to check out my other listings, “Beautiful Hippeastrums Amarrylis mix species multicolour flower shapes, of Seeds and Bulbs.” and Rare edibles.

Grow notes for hippeastrums
Calyptrupum …………
These are originally found growing on trees and in rock crevices. But do very well in a mix of blue metal, coco coir and vermiculite (or perlite) mix, in a pot… In a well lit area with high humidity, so a green shade house is perfect or in a lush tree on the north east east side. Your home environment will have to be taken into consideration when choosing a spot, basically where ever orchids grow… feed with weak liquid fertiliser.
Aulicum x Mandonii …..
Free draining mix in morning sun, but can handle full sun if kept well watered in the heat of summer. Feed frequently for bigger flowers. Ordinary potting mix with added sand is great.
hippeastrum reticulatum var. striatifolium
These bulbs love a shady (not dark) moist environment out of the wind. Plant them deeply in well drained sandy mix, in big pot in greenhouse or other shady place.
Water well, but let dry out between waterings, likes humidity, but not being soggy wet.
Should flower in 2 years, if not before. Feed frequently.
Please use the compost and sand method, unless you are familiar with the floatation method.
I have found better results that way as my water is not suitable for floatation method.
You will find a great youtube video here
I use 1/3 multi purpose potting mix, 1/3 coco coir, 1/3 sand. Mix well.. Sieve enough to use on top layer.
You need a light friable mix that holds water but still drains well.
Lay the seeds out in rows 3cm between seeds and 10cm between rows.
I use polystyrene boxes, with holes and fill about 12cm deep.
Lay out seeds and cover evenly with 1cm topping mix.
You can keep them in a green house, or cover with plastic in the shade outside.
This is to help keep the top moist and stop the wind blowing the moisture away.
Be especially careful to not over-water Cybisters, papilios, and other epiphytic species.
Water well until the whole box is soaking, leave to drain, cover with plastic, select a warm shaded spot, Don’t water again unless just a light spray to keep top slightly damp until you see leaves appearing 2 to 3 weeks. Then fertilise with charlie carp sea-sol, superbooster… or equivalent.
At these spacings you can keep them in the box a couple of years… When they get too big they can go straight in the ground. And some may flower the next year. I often just spread them out a bit and leave them in the poly boxes, you get a lot less weeds.
I also use Thrive liquid fertiliser, trace elements and pelleted chook poo when older.
Baby BULBS…………………………..
When transplanting out baby bulbs, make sure the green/white tip/leaf on the top of the bulblet is above the ground as much as possible without them falling over.
Mature BULBS.…………
When planting out mature bulbs, make sure the bulb neck is above the top of the soil or mulch. Otherwise in winter with no leaves, the dew/rain can settle in the top of the bulb… making them rot out. Plant into good quality well draining garden soil… Or well draining potting mix in a pot. Feed frequently, some varieties like more shade than others.
All hippeasrtums like liquid fertiliser, seasol and chook poo. Keep watch for clivia grub (black with white markings) which can burrow into the bulb. Water less frequently as they grow older.
Water in all new bulb transplants with liquid fertiliser, charlie carp, seasol superbooster. or equivalent.
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Happy gardening
Best of luck
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