Hippeastrum Amaryllis, Family Amaryllidaceae, subfamily Amaryllidoideae Beautiful.These are NO ID and Named varieties, and crosses, self pollinated 2015.
Each seed count is minimum of that stated.. most have many more seeds than the 10..
some are rarer and you may only get 12 seeds
For every 5 packs bought I will throw in a gift pack of a different random colour.
Don’t forget to check out my other seeds, double crosses and single crosses.
As well as the many edibles and perennials… 🙂
I also email grownotes, so make sure your paypal email address is up to date.
My overseas mail has no tracking.. Auspost has EXPORT DECLARATION on all letters sent.. not tracking. It proves it left the country no more. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
Hippeastrum /ˌhɪpiːˈæstrəm/ is a genus of about 90 species and over 600 hybrids and cultivars of perennial herbaceous bulbous plants. They generally have large fleshy bulbs and tall broad leaves, generally evergreen, and large red or purple flowers.

Lemon Vittatum X selfed
Beautiful big flower, striking colours.
Hippeastrum is a genus in the family Amaryllidaceae (subfamily Amaryllidoideae, tribe Hippeastreae, and subtribe Hippeastrineae) The name Hippeastrum, given to it by William Herbert, means “Knight’s-star-lily”, although precisely what Herbert meant by the name is not certain.

Huge Dark red. Mattahorn X Black Diamond.. selfed Spectacular flower, colour and shape.
For many years there was confusion among botanists over the generic names Amaryllis and Hippeastrum, one result of which is that the common name “amaryllis” is mainly used for cultivars of this genus, often sold as indoor flowering bulbs particularly at Christmas in the northern hemisphere.

Orange White X Soft Red
By contrast the generic name Amaryllis applies to bulbs from South Africa, usually grown outdoors. The genus is native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas from Argentina north to Mexico and the Caribbean.

Red Dark Throat X Apple blossom
Reproduction is generally by allogamy (cross-pollination) and Hippeastrum may be propagated by seed or offset bulbils (bulblets), although commercial ventures use in vitro techniques, or splitting of the bulb into sections.

Red 14 X self
The genus has been intensely bred and cultivated since the early nineteenth century to produce large colourful showy flowers. In temperate climes these can be placed outside in the summer, and after a dormancy period, be induced to re-bloom inside in the winter.

Red 18 X (Mattahorn X Black Diamond
Most Hippeastrum bulbs are tunicate (a protective dry outer layer and fleshy concentric inner scales or leaf bases).

Red White X White No 1
The bulbs are generally between 5–12 cm (2″–5″) in diameter and produce two to seven long-lasting evergreen or deciduous leaves that are 30–90 cm (12″–36″) long and 2.5–5 cm (1″–2″) wide.

Red Pearl x Hot Pink
The leaves are hysteranthous (develop after flowering), sessile, rarely persistent and subpetiolate.

Wedding Dance X Orange Sovereign) X Soft red
The flowers are arranged in umbelliform inflorescences which are pauciflor or pluriflor (2-14 flowers), supported on an erect hollow scape (flower stem) which is 20–75 cm (12″–30″) tall and 2.5–5 cm (1″–2″) in diameter with two free bracts forming a spathe which is bivalve with free leaflets at its base.

Vittatum White Crimson X Hot Pink 2
Depending on the species, there are two to fifteen large showy flowers, which are more or less zygomophic and hermaphrodite. Each flower is 13–20 cm (5″–8″) across, and the native species are usually purple or red. They are funnelform (funnel shaped) and declinate (curving downwards and then upwards at the tip) in shape.

Red White 8 X Red 28
The perianth has six brightly colored tepals (three outer sepals and three inner petals) that may be similar in appearance or very different. The perianth segments are subequal or unequal. The tepals are united at the base to form a short tube, usually with a rudimentary scaly paraperigonium with fimbriae or a callose ridge present at the throat.

Vittatum X Apple Blossom X Elvas
The androecium consists of six stamens with filiform (thread like) filaments, which are fasciculate (in close bundles) and declinate or ascendent. The anthers are dorsifixed or versatile. In the gynaecium, the ovary is inferior and trilocular with pluriovulate locules. The style is filiform, and the stigma trifid.

Vittatum (pale) X Tristan White Mix
The fruit forms a trivalve capsule containing seeds which are dry, flattened, obliquely winged or irregularly discoid, hardly ever turgid, and globose (spherical) or subglobose, with a brown or black phytomelanous testa.
Dusk X Apple Blossom Elvas
H. equestris Lin. fil., by Maria Sibylla Merian 1705
The taxonomy of the genus is complicated. The first issue is whether the name should more properly be Amaryllis L..

Red Pearl X Luna X Royal Velvet
In 1753 Carl Linnaeus created the name Amaryllis belladonna, the type species of the genus Amaryllis, in his Species Plantarum along with eight other Amaryllis species.

Tristan’s White X self
Linnaeus had earlier worked on the Estate of George Clifford near Haarlem between 1735 and 1737 describing the plants growing there in his Hortus Cliffortianus in 1738.

Prelude X Red Pearl X Black Diamond x
It is to this work that he refers in his Species Plantarum. This was assumed to be the South African Cape Belladonna, although not precisely known. Clifford’s herbarium is now preserved at the Natural History Museum in London.

Prelude X Sumatra X Black Diamond
I have now moved those for sale into the shop
International Shoppers please contact me for postage price before payment.
Usually I can do it for $5.00 AU that’s with no tracking or insurance.
If you want tracking it costs $35.00 AU
For multiple packets.. contact me.. or make an offer..