
All bulbs are randomly chosen from the boxes, I try to ensure that they will all be unique. All have been washed and checked for problems all dirt has been removed.
Native to tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas from Argentina north to Mexico and the Caribbean. Striking colours, a nice display, especially when grown in a mass planting, wonderful along fences, and under trees – very showy and large size flowers.
They can flower from September to November. It will take about 3 years to mature and flower. At that stage they have grown into large bulbs are tough and do well on neglect, even handle drought, but you do get better flowers with deep well drained soil in a moist environment, out of the frost. Plants flourish when given morning sun and afternoon shade, but grow in almost any environment. This is a very cheap way to get what are otherwise quite expensive bulbs.
Don’t forget to check out my other listings, “Beautiful Hippeastrums Amarrylis mix species multicolour flower shapes, of Seeds and Bulbs.” and Rare edibles.
I also email grow-notes, so make sure your paypal email address is up to date.
Seeds posted immediately funds clear. Plants are only posted on Mondays.